Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy 2009!

Man, it feels great to bring in a new year! We are ready!

Christmas was fantastic, filled with family at every turn, dear friends, and lo and behold -- NO ILLNESS! We stayed with my brother BC and his saint of a wife Shala. Each morning started with some kind of awesome workout (P90X baby!) and the day ended with 4 or 5 episodes of "What Not to Wear". What could be better?

We visited our friends Ryan and Krista Brown in Prescott and really enjoyed playing the snow. I got to see Prescott again and even my Grandma Jeanne's Groom Creek cabin! Whoa, now that's some memories!

I was also able to visit Yuma - my home town - and meet up with two dear high school friends: Charlotte (Davis) Foret and Michelle (Marks) Legros. We talked and laughed as if it were 15 years ago. They are wonderful and I can't wait to see them next year!

I took my kids on our annual Usary Pass Hike. It is very kid friendly and makes them feel like a million bucks to hike to the top of the mountain (it is actually a hill!). Then we play "Roxaboxen" (it is from a favorite children's book of mine) and make our own desert town in the wash. Our horses are sticks, the money is rocks, we each make our own store or home. It was really fun for us. It is ironic -- here I am dragging my kids on a hike, just like my mom always did while I grumbled the whole way. Now I can't get enough of it!